These ensemble editions of our What's Up! and
Grow newsletters were written for Spring. They address
what people see in Spring as well as what you could be doing then
to have a more beautiful, productive, easy-care garden.
- Spring begins as the majority of tulips bloom and ends when the
likelihood of frost is past
- In Zone 5-6 across the center of North America, that's
Mid-April to Mid-May
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Coming Up 38: Dividing perennials, kousa dogwood, treated
What's Coming Up 39: Shade trees, ash borer, invasive
plants, wet areas
What's Coming Up 40: Disease resistance, arborvitae,
lead in soil, staking
What's Coming Up 41: Daylily leaf, uncommon plants,
easement herbicide, slugs, Clematis
What's Comming Up 42: Vines and fences, weedy lawn,
aphids, Franklinia
What's Coming Up 89: Birds, soil, mulch,
Clematis, tree planting
Coming Up 90: Bulb color and moves, Liatris, bare
root planting, scale and sawfly
What's Coming Up 91: Prune an old rose, weedkiller,
seedless trees, wildlife
What's Coming Up 92: Acclimate annuals, improve soil
with beneficial fungus, beat borers, grow from cuttings
What's Coming Up 93: Shrubless design, easy
containers, mulch, fertilizer
What's Coming Up 141: Compost, Mulch, Pruning
Roses, Rose Problems
What's Coming Up 142: Nonblooming Bulbs, Pruning
Japanese Maple
What's Coming Up 143: Mildew, Rot, Wet Soil,
Native Plants, Weeding
What's Coming Up 144: Alternatives to Lawn,
Groundcover, Allergies
Coming Up 178: Move a peony, fertilize, wattle fence,
watering, pruning
Coming Up 179: Frosted Japanese maples, early insects good
and bad, leaf spots
Coming Up 180: Sorting out spireas, room and air for
perennials and lawn, no weak roses, gardening all over a quarter
What's Coming Up 200: Hard cuts, weak wood, proof of life,
proof of gardening, running weeds
Coming Up 201: Frost protection in spring
Concerns 91: Growing under black walnut trees,
Gladiolus, hoya
Concerns 146: Continuous color perennials, lawn
Growing Concerns 354: Costs of perennial maintenance,
beating tough weeds, planting tips
Growing Concerns 355: Inexpensive landscaping,
Aralia, cabbage moth, Dahlia &
Canna, rhodo
Growing Concerns 408: Find unusual trees, copper as
mythic quick weed tree killer
Growing Concerns 461: Iced branch splinted,
skunks grubbing in lawn, rabbits, dog problems, fertilizer
Concerns 462: Annual best, weedkiller drift, vole control,
Concerns 512: Potting mix, brown leafed house plant
Growing Concerns 513: Orientation of root or bulb, mulch,
winter burn
Growing Concerns 514: May, Avoid rabbit with fence,
plants hide fence, mulch
Growing Concerns 515:
Briefs re crocosmia lawn zoysia moles voles apricot peace lily
Growing Concerns
516: Fly larvae in tomatoes
Concerns 563: Compost Availability, Ash
Concerns 564: Compost, Gardener Education
Concerns 565: Spring Garden Care, short answers
Growing Concerns 566: Rabbits' bark chewing is
deadly, bridge graft