Yes: Our plants as heroes!
Our apologies for going on about this silly computer
game but it's filled us with childish glee. Steven grins while
doing the dishes, steps into Janet's office and announces, "The
honeysuckle! We can give it big suckers like an octopus and let it
drain all the stuff out of a zombie!"
We thought it might be just the whim of a day but it's been
weeks, and there is still the gray tail of winter to come. So we're
giving in to the craziness and inviting you in with us.
Dress your plant to kill!
Deck out a real plant, snap its picture and post that shot on
the Forum in
Dressing Our Plants to Kill Zombies, or
- Get crafty with scissors and glue to modify a plant photo, and
post it, or
- Go crazy with Photoshop, or
- Sketch your idea, scan that and post it, or
- Describe your killer plant in words, or
- Dress yourself as a killer plant and
Be sure to make it clear, in words or otherwise, how your
creation can protect its gardener from a zombie attack.
In short, anything goes with this contest.
And we sure hope this totally unsettling un-winter goes with
We have prizes. Nothing earth shattering but fun things called
"swag" by the makers of Plants Vs. Zombies (who gave them to us for
this use, thanks guys).
Sometime after March 7, we'll set up a poll to let you-all vote
for who wins what.

Save us -- don't let us be the only goof-balls designers!
Please note that anyone may read throughout our Forum but to
keep out the Spam-ers we must require you to register as a Member
to post.
Registering is free, and we do not collect or use information
you provide; i.e., your email address.
The button to Register is at top right on the Forum.