Vital statistics
10' tall and may be wider than tall, shrubby but may be
pruned to one or a few trunks to make a graceful small tree.
Grwo in shade or sun,. Best with steady moisture. Tolerant of
wet soil.
All parts fragrant. Small gray fruits aromatic and useful as a
flavoring in cooking.
Asian, Stewartia pseudocamellia hardy to zone 6 or
protected areas in zone 5
Winter: Beautiful, smooth, three color bark
ivory, green, salmon.
Spring: For the first 20 years or so the
pyramidal shape is very attractive and very noticeable in spring as
leaves emerge.
Summer: Large white flowers, each one lasts just
a day or so but there are usually very many for a week or more of
color which is outstanding for coming later than the bloom on most
other trees.
Fall: Oustanding color from orange to
Spring color
Spicebushes (Lindera species) bloom yellow in early
spring. In a natural setting in a wooded area a copse of spicebush
may appear as a hze of pale yellow. When the shrubs are grown in
sun, they are thickly clad in bloom.
Fall color
There are a number of very attractive stewartia species. Here is
Stewartia pseudocamellia in fall color (background; with
gold katsura, Cercidiphyllum japonicum)