Plenty of garden design and naturalist references tell us what
kids like. Since we have the chance to skip the middleman, we asked
our reporters about it.
"What do you like about outside? Why go out rather than sit
inside and play?"
We also asked, "What don't you like outside?"
Answers below from Sarah and D'Licia
What Sarah Likes About Outside

One thing I do not like about outside is that there is bugs,
like spiders or beetles.

One thing that I like about outside is I can find friends

Another thing that I like about outside is that there are
gardens. Some have tomatoes and flowers.

Another thing that I like about outside is stores built in the

I don't like outside when it is cold.
I love outside because you can play outside on slides.
Another thing that I like is you can find animals and help
You can build outside.

Three more things I like:
I love riding in boats.
I like going for walks, picking flowers and catching frogs.
I like outside because it is beautiful.
D'Licia's Likes and Don't
What I like about the outside is that when you go outside you
are in your own world. Also I like to garden and play outside. The
games I like to play are hide and go seek, kickball, red light
green light, mother fox, knicker knocker, racing to the corner and
jump rope. That is a lot for us kids to do .When I garden I plant
roses, tulips, blossoms, sunflowers, and more.
D'licia says this honeysuckle bloom looks like a pink-dyed

I like the snow because it is so white. You can make all sorts
of things like snow men, build snow forts, have snow ball fights,
make an igloo and lots more things. Snow is the coldest thing ever
to me, maybe not to other people but it is to me.
I like to play in the bushes. Bushes may be plain but at my
house we make bushes fun. We like to make play houses out of them,
forts, tree houses, and lots more.
D'licia: When we had a tree house ours was a little
smaller and we colored and painted it ourselves. Now we moved so we
wouod have to build a new one.
One of the things I do out side is going swimming. I love to
swim. I learned to swim in the fourth grade from my sister. I also
love the sound of the ice-cream truck, YUMMY!
That is what I like about the outside.
What I don`t like about outside is the bugs. The bugs bite and I
can't understand why they bite the poor old humans. I don`t like
sunburns at all, either.
There is not very much stuff I don't like about outside.