What a terrific and terrible spring! To have so much blooming at
once is gorgeous but "spending our April and May color" ahead of
time. Hope you're enjoying it. It's all we can do.
(Except for the extreme close-ups in this photo tour, you're
looking at these plants as we shot them, from the road.)

Above: Harry Lauder's Walking Stick. (Note to D.S.: We
really didn't drive into your yard to take this photo.)

Above: Ornamental cherry, quite likely a Sargent
Above: Red maples which are colorful because of the old
flowers and newly developing seeds.

Above: Norway maples. Usually they bloom later, when there
is so much new foliage around on neighboring plants, that their
blooms pass for another tree leafing out yellow-green. Coming
this early, they are striking people as "What is that yellow
blooming tree?!"

Above: Callery pears, so wide in form that they are most
likely the variety Bradford.

Above: Saucer magnolia
See these magnolias plus frost...

Above: Pear tree (left) and red maple (right)

Above: Weeping willow

Above: Serviceberry

Above: Weeping cherry

Above: Ornamental cherry, probably a 'Kwanzan' type.

Above: from left to right weeping cherry (probably a
'Pendula' on a short standard), saucer magnolia, Norway

Above: Newport plum

Above: What's your guess?

Above: Red Bud

Above: Quince

Above: Sugar maple

Above: Box elder maple

Above: Star magnolia

Above: Callery pear different from Bradford with a more
upright shape.